Vår blogg har som mål at gi de seineste tankeledende nyhetene og tipsene fra turisme og hotell bransjen til hotel og utleie eiere. Vi innser at mer enn programvare er nødvendig for å lykkes i dette markedet. Alle som driver med noen form for overnatting må forstå og tolke markedsretningen for å øke effektiviteten og effektivt svare på kundens behov.

New in October 2021

Our ongoing passion to provide the ideal software for easy hospitality management includes letting you be as independent as possible, …

New in September 2021

To help you focus on what is important to you, we continue looking for ways to provide you with added …

Preparing for the Massive Influx of Tourists in 2022

Did this headline catch your attention? Is it merely wishful thinking or something our industry needs to be prepared for? …

New in August 2021

The last few weeks have seen some enhancements that will help to improve your overall daily work with the Sirvoy …

Why the Skills Shortage in the Hospitality Industry?

Across the world, the hospitality sector is finally opening its doors again, albeit cautiously. With restrictions easing and vaccines being …

Sirvoy Reveals New Logo

We want every aspect of Sirvoy to communicate who we truly are and for every client to experience our mission. …

New in June 2021

Recently, two major improvements were implemented in the booking view regarding the handling of payments. 1.    Cash Receipts. There is now a …

New in May 2021

First of all, we must say a big Thank You for your willing collaboration and valuable feedback, because this has …

The Sky’s the Limit for a Flexible Booking System

When the fourth act of La Bohème fades and the audience rises to give their ovations to Puccini’s classical opera, …

New in April 2021

As spring opens its doors, growth sees no boundaries. The same can be said of Sirvoy. We are happy to …